
What is Valuing the Social in Computing?

Valuing the Social in Computing (VSC) is a five-year study of the intersections of race, gender, and social values in computing led by Dr. Coleen Carrigan, a feminist anthropologist of science and technology studies. The VSC Project asks: What can we learn from comparing subfields of Computer Science that struggle to attract and retain women with those that do not? Are the technical dimensions of computing privileged over the social ones and, if so, to what effect?

What is the significance of the project for women in computer science?

Women’s full participation in knowledge production is paramount to social equality. When it comes to representation in the computing workforce, not only are there complex intersections of gender and race, there is also a considerable gap between popular discourses glorifying computer technology and the actual impacts of computing on society. Closing this gap requires attracting and supporting those who yearn to use their technical skills to serve the social good, who put the needs of a community before quick fixes or bottom lines. The VSC Project articulates and forges innovative pathways toward broadening participation in computing and fostering welcoming environments for women to participate in the field with equal opportunities, resources, and regard.

For more information email Dr. Coleen Carrigan, Principal Investigator
[email protected]

Funded by the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER), Engineering Education Centers. NSF 1751314

Collaborative Projects




Advancing Cultural Change